Saturday, June 9, 2012

Time for Mills Act 2013

All-Electric Josef Kun Residence #1 by architect Richard Neutra; Gregory Ain, collaborator;
first house photographed by Julius Shulman.

The Mills Act is a property tax reduction program for historic structures in the City of Los Angeles (and some other California entities). In Los Angeles if your structure is a single family residence, apartment residence, or business which is a "contributor" to an established Historic Preservation Overlay Zone (HPOZ) you are eligible to participate in the Mills Act program. All you need do is contact me to arrange to have the necessary paperwork filed, for a fee, by next year's deadline (likely in May). However, if your single family home is valued in excess of $1.5 Million or your business or apartment building is valued in excess of $3 Million by the county assessor's office, you will also have to file a lengthy document which I prepare in conjunction with an approved architecture practice, known as a Historic Structure Report (HSR). That means you need to start early--these take many weeks or months to prepare.

Schneidman House by architects A. Quincy Jones, Whitney R. Smith; engineer Edgardo Contini.

If your property is NOT a "contributor" to an established HPOZ your house, apartments, or business must first become a Historic-Cultural Monument in the City of Los Angeles. This takes SEVERAL months and must be started before December of 2012 to guarantee that your property will make next year's Mills Act deadline. Contact me NOW to begin the process.

C. C. Ganahl House by architect Albert C. Martin, Sr

Contact me at:

or 310-650-2143.